Our lobbying and consulting services vary according to the client's need. Our services include the following: reviewing all new legislation and tracking bills that could affect our clients' businesses, attending committee hearings of interest, monitoring floor debate, engaging in lobbying efforts on the client's behalf, assistance in drafting new legislation if needed, immediate communication of legislative developments along with weekly legislative reports, and guidance on Political Action Committee donations to help the legislators that help you.

Business Consulting
We care for our clients' businesses and nonprofits as our own business. We think and act like business partners, not educational advisors. We share our clients' aspirations, work to understand their reality, and align our incentives with their objectives—so they know we're in this together. Working as a team, together, we will reach our goals.

Political Consulting
Stellar Strategies is one of the rising star political consulting firms in the United States, with experience and track record. We have been involved in an array campaigns and have elected School Board Members, City Council Members, State Representatives, Mayors, and other local elected officials.

Association Management
Our Association Management services are set up to help volunteer boards in any way we can. Our services can include anything from maintaining a membership database, bookkeeping, conference and meeting planning to administrative duties. Our staff has many years of experience in the statewide association management area to provide quality service.